Monday, February 27, 2012

finds this weekend

What I really want to talk about is my Bead Soup Blog Party piece which I finished last night ( wooo hooo!) but as I cannot do the reveal until Saturday I will instead show you pics of my flea market/ antique shopping this past weekend.

Strangely enough, it was at Jerry's instigation. about 2 times a year, Jerry actually wants to go with me on my strange adventures. Never let it be said I don't humor my husbands' every whim!!

We drove all the way out to this flea market in Winterset advertised on Craig's list. It wasn't as big and grand as the ad made it sound, but I still found something very kewl there.. vintage shoe buckles. I think these are pretty old actually, it's on my list to research further.. a quickie search didn't turn up any useful info.

I also found a bag of Japanese bottle caps... kewl huh? most are Japanese beer, but a few are Coke!!
I bought this jar of buttons. Most are cheapo plastic ones, but I found a few metals one of interest, and 8 crystal buttons. Hard to capture in the photo, but these are really nice quality, possibly the good kind.. pretty either way!

I got a couple of other items, but these are the hi-lights. I really must find out more about the buckle..

This weekend will be the big blog hop reveal, and it's the big flea market at the fair grounds. I can't wait til Saturday!!

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