I've been playing with copper and sterling together. I really like the look of mixing these 2 metals together.
These earrings are named first date". Ok, it wasn't really the first date, it was the first formal date with my now Husband Jerry.. just about 15 years ago infact. I had a wedding to go to, and I had been dating Jerry for approximately 5 weeks.. so I asked him to be my date at this wedding. I had this absolutely gorgeous dress .. all in dark navy lace. One of my favorite pictures of us together is one taken at the wedding, me in my dress and he in his suit. Anyway, I was totally gonzo nuts over this man, and the fact he was willing to go to this wedding with me, it meant I had him in the bag! No way is a guy gonna go to a big fancy frilly wedding unless it's his family or he really digs you!! LOL I kept this dress for years... but a few years ago cleaning out a closet I discovered the dress had gotten wet and damaged in storage, and ruined.. but I clip off abit of undamaged lace from it for remembrance sake.

Fast forward to now, when I buy a rolling mill as the newest toy-- er, tool in my studio. I dug out the lace and used it to pattern the copper, then I shaped and polished it. The sterling swirling around the copper represents the happiness of that day. I'm not totally satisfied with how I connected the swirl to the earring, but making these made me smile. And I spent a very pleasant day remembering when Jerry and I were new at this relationship thing. For the record: in July we will be married for 14 years.