And a Few pendants. And 1 bracelet. Let me start with the bracelet. This took me way to long to make, so it's a good thing I had fun making it. I've been playing with links, so this is a link bracelet with crayon colored American art glass, one shaped like a heart.
I'm not an overly heartsy person, but I do like these glass hearts.. heck if all heart beads were like these, I would be into hearts!

And matching earrings of course!
These earrings I made the hearts out of wires to echo the glass heart beads. When you wear these earrings the Wire heart is seen
straight on, and the glass is seen on the sides. I like it when you can carry the motif in both directions! 

I have 4 boxes of art glass, most of it is Dave Christensen's, hand picked at trade shows. He really makes lovely beads!! Here are some more earrings, just got into an earring kick!
These earrings I made the hearts out of wires to echo the glass heart beads. When you wear these earrings the Wire heart is seen

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