Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh, Dragon Tree, oh Dragon Tree.....

A couple of weeks ago I passed along one of those email lists that you fill out and send to your friends, so they learn interesting and fun facts about you. This one was Christmas themed, and it asked, "Do you have a star or an angel as your tree topper?" I put in Dragons, and well, a few folks are like huh? So I promised I'd post a picture or 2. My Christmas tree has several dragons on it, both wooden and cloth. The wooden ones are handmade and we bought at a science fiction convention years and years ago. The cloth ones are also handmade, and I had them special ordered.. that's where the tree topper came also. I had just birthed my little girl ( She's twelve now, and as you can see in the pic, she's getting pretty big!) so when we ordered the cloth dragons, we got half a dozen small ones, one alittle bit bigger especially for Jesscera and 2 reg/large ones, one for me and one for Jerry. We started using them as a tree topper about 7 years ago.. We had this weird plastic star thingie that got broken and one of us had the brainstorm.. why not use the large dragons as the topper? Jerry twisted them together, and we liked it so much, we now do it every year. A couple of years ago Jesscera wanted hers added to the topper, and so now we have a family of 3 dragons on top of the tree.

We have all sorts of fun things on the tree.. cartoon characters, unicorns, Pegasus, griffins, nightmare before Christmas, flying cats and hippos, etc. And more mundane stuff like mini-stockings and "baby's first Christmas" stuff. Still it's a fun fun tree....

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