Tuesday, May 27, 2014

hunting pocket watches.....

I realized about 1 week ago I'm dangerously low on kewl watch parts for my jewelry.  Now as a professional hoarder, that means I have less than 100 of something, but more than 5.  Anything under 5 and I freak out. 

So I've been haunting eBay and etsy looking for good lots at reasonable prices.  this is a pic of one of them.. which I'll hopefully get soon.  This one is the "Mystery" lot because it's hard to see what's all included.. but it looks very promising. 

Half the fun is getting a good bargain, and finding surprises... hopefully of the pleasant type.

Fingers crossed!!!

My next show is a new one to me and Hubby and we are driving out to Deerfield IL.  My fingers' are crossed for this as well.... We haven't done a show in IL for a couple of years ( mostly a distance thing) and never one so close to Chicago.   So I'm excited!! If you are in the area, stop by the Deerfield fine Arts Fest Sat and Sun 10-5pm

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