Saturday, January 19, 2013

cleaning out my 2012 pictures

Made this in early October, it sold at the first show I had it at.
50-60's adding machine

old sewing machine parts and accessories.

yet another old adding machine, this one was made in Italy!  and ended up in a antique store in Des Moines, go figure

gorgeous cogs from the Italian Adding Machine
OK, that cleans out my file.  I really like the bat bracelet, and I bought another one but I don't want to make exactly the same bracelet of course.  The random pics of old appliances we bought I wanted to show because that's where my jewelry seems to be shifting more and more too... salvage, reuse, upcycle, recycle, etc.  I got a good bargain on the adding machines.. we both both of them at the same place.  They are both now ripped up and I have the parts.. waiting on inspiration..  thought I've made some earrings using the most adorable ( can I use that word when talking about cogs??? ) cogs you ever saw, little thick ones.  They are like the popcorn shrimp of the reuse world... you can never have enough of them!

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