Wednesday, February 27, 2013

B4 I forget, there are prezzies... yet still more girls weekend!

This lovely eye cab... I actually saw this on etsy and put it on my facebook, so the sneaky  ladies of South dakota bought it for me!

Cat stamps, soon to be jewelry in some way... they are cute!!

I got these at a art show recently, and bought one for each of us.  they just make me feel good...
 OK now you know the REAL reason I do girl's weekend with my bestest buddies Sue and Cathie.. it gives me weeks worth of blog entries!!!!!!

Seriously, there are so many reasons to do girls' weekend, not the least of them is we all deserve a weekend together at least once a year, twice if we can swing it.

One of the many rituals of girl's weekend is prezzies.  So here are pics of prezzies.   One of the other rituals is charms for our bags, and I made them this year, but forgot to take pics of them.  They were really cute, involving dragonflies and gears.  We each take turns making them.

The girls bought me a new ott light!! it's now permanently on my painting desk.. I really needed more light on this table!

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