Thursday, October 2, 2014

Last Farmer's market of the year! (for me)

It's the last Downtown Des Moines Farmer's Market for me this Sat 8-noon.

It's the last official show for my season as well...  I will be in the Trinity show again this year, but that's all that's planned for now.  I'm looking forward to catching up on the house alittle, reading more for at least a few weeks.  I really need to recharge my batteries so I can come up amazing new designs using old recycled junk.  I can't wait!!!!

The worst part of the show grind is I can't really focus on new designs.. I don't have the time to make artistic left hand turns, I have to stay on the path or I won't have enough inventory for my shows.  I want to have the time again to make mistakes, and then take those mistakes and make them into masterpieces!!

I'm getting older and doing 20-25 shows a year all crammed in such a short time is getting harder to do.  This time every year I feel just soooo tired and worn out.

Maybe it's time to look at galleries again?

So this weekend I plan to finish Farmer's market, finish the commissions I have lined up and then I'm going to just relax for a few weeks... stock up on parts that I'm low on and just see what moves me.  Course if I get a good idea this weekend I can always work on it.. it's just soo lovely to have the choice!!

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